
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Claymore News: April 27th

Glasgow & District Wargaming Society will be putting on a display game of the Battle of Peterwardein 1716 using 28mm figures.

Under the Bed Enterprises have now confirmed they will be attending.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Games and Displays at Claymore

The following Clubs have accepted invitions to put on games or displays at Claymore 2006.

Public Participation Games

Display Games

Clubnight: 13th April.

Just a typical night at the South East Scotland Wargames Club. I took along my camera and took pics of some of the games that were going on. A wide ranging selection I'm sure you'll agree.

Vietnamese fighting the French in the 1950s

Baron Sternberg's bodyguard from a game of Back of Beyond.

Bolsheviks defend a village in the same game

Epic Armageddon

A custom built Tyrannid Fleet takes on Chaos in Battlefleet Gothic

Two groups were playing card games. This is Munchkin from Steve Jackson Games.

Four games of Warhammer Ancient Battles

A roleplaying game of some sort. I never did find out which one.

Warhammer Fantasy Battle

Two games of DBM

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Claymore News: April 11th

The Wargames Figures Company have confirmed that they will be attending Claymore.

Nortung Article at Warhammer Ancients

An article describing the events at the recent Nortung campaign day held here at the South East Scotland Wargames Club has been posted on the Warhammer Historical website.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Link of the Week: Tuesday April 4th, 2006

Soviet Music

Over 1600 Mp3s of songs and marches from Soviet era, from the Russian Civil War to the collapse of the Soviet Union, and over 500 posters. An essential site for anyone gaming the Russian Civil War, the Eastern Front during WWII or the Cold War.